The Easiest Way To Set Up a

Solo 401(k)


Retire4one empowers self-employed individuals to set up an account quickly with expert guidance.


Investments Offered Through

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What Is A Solo(k)

A Solo(k) is a 401(k) Plan for individuals who are self – employed with no eligible employees. With the help of Retire4one, we ensure proper Solo(k) account setup while also taking care of the fine print to relieve you from any worry of confusion. We’re a one stop place to set up your plan and investments, and no required minimums.

Benefits Of Retire4one


Get your Solo(k) Plan Documents in a Minute

Retire4one’s platform can help set up your retirement plan in just a few minutes. After completing our short questionnaire, you’ll receive all documents to sign in about 1 minute. We’ll work from there to get your account set up at Voya.


Utilize Voya Resources

By working with Voya, Retire4one customers have the power and tools that are usually only available to larger corporations or individuals with large account balances. On their own, individuals generally wouldn’t have the same opportunities.


Take Control of Your Investments

With Retire4one, you get access to a wide range of retirement savings options with the freedom to take action yourself at the click of a button.

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Invest With Voya

We utilize Voya’s trustworthy services to hold your savings and investments safely!